
March 31, 2024
In what ways have you changed
compared to 1 year ago:

I feel like I have changed a lot over the past year. I'm a lot better at caring about myself and what I need to do for my health; than what other people think. I'm not responsible for other people's mistakes or judgements. 

I am finally going to be going into counseling. Divorce 5 years this August and I never went to counseling. Just though 'eh it will all just fade away. Well umm maybe to a small extent. I did make a big mistake not seeking counseling right away. I have this really huge thing about no wanting to talk about emotional things in the moment because I don't want to totally break down. Crying at home by myself is one thing...
So, letting my doctor put me on the waiting list to a counselor I feel like is a really big step. 

It doesn't thrill me. Because I have a negative view of counseling in general. But I feel like my other foot has moved forward and I'm not just stuck in the same spot. 

Many times it feels like it was just yesterday. And that no time has passed. But almost FIVE years have passed. That to me is so bizarre. And probably because I haven't dealt and processed grief properly. I'm to the point of not crying every day. But that is really not healed or moved on.
It really hurts when I text my ex. -- and i even have problems just saying that! But it really hurts when I text him about something and its basically a one word reply. 

When will my heart and brain ever be on the same page.
Narcissists do not feel like they hurt anyone's feelings by lack of reaction, feeling etc... That was one of the biggest problems in my marriage and how I was not going to be treated anymore.

I thought we would be together forever. Guess 33 years was just too long for him...
And perhaps one day I won't say negative things like that anymore. *lol*

If you like blog prompts or would like to give it a try. Please stop over to the Cute n' Charming Forum. I place my link to my blog post, and would love to have others join in as well.


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Tag: by me
©LadyMishka | VMA
Scrap Kit: TTD 'Spring Unicorn'

March 25, 2024

Blog Prompt :    Dandelions

Dandelions! Curious lil things aren't they. Weed? Flower? Plant?  

Did you know the entire part of the dandelion can be eaten. I am not a doctor so do check with your physician before doing anything you find on a blog... 

Anything you pick outside should always be washed well. We don't want to eat pesticides, animal urine...

Dandelions are my favorite thing to see when Spring first bursts through the new grass. I always pick the very first one that I see. They are so bright and happy. 

Remember rubbing a dandelion under a friends chin. LOL 
I have read that the whole part of the dandelion is able to be consumed. Put on salad. It has natural medicinal properties. I really would not put the old blossom in my mouth though. Ya know the dead fuzzy one we blow away. *lol*
But fresh dandelions on your salad! Maybe in some home cooked soup. 

Dandelions are good antioxidants, aid in digestive issues and help with the immune system.
I don't know if there are different types of dandelions or not. I know I have picked and washed dandelions right out of my yard and put on a fresh spinach salad. 
Again - Investigate first. Stay safe. look things up before you consume them.


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Tag: by me
©LadyMishka | VMA
Scrap Kit: TTD 'Spring Unicorn'

March 20, 2024
March SYHO Blog Train!

I will get in on the April train. March got away from me and getting sick...
But still wanted to share :D 

Check out our Blog 
and if you are a designer and would like to contribute to the train with us come and join our FB Page (designers only and make sure to answer the questions please)

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Tag: by me
©LadyMishka | VMA
Scrap Kit: TTD 'Spring Unicorn'


Do you ever resist watching a show when its current. Only to come across it years later and 100% love it.
yesss. So me! *lol*  I am so in love with Being Human UK version. My little big sister had said it was SO good. Even better than the american one. But I loved the american one so so much. And I just can't watch  a different version of the same show with different actors. But a number of years have passed now since watching American version. OMGosh!!!

George!!! I thought he was the one character I wouldn't get into. Seemed to geeky. wow!! I have sure changed my tune on this one. He is so cute, so funny, adorable and so sweet!!!!

Always love me a vampire. So yeah Mitchell is totally awesome to me. Aaaand that accent!!! oh my. Is it Scottish? Irish? ...

aaah Annie. Sweet Annie the ghost. I love the qwirky things she says. Really, that all of them say. Because it is the UK version there are different common phrases that they say that we don't say in America. And I love it so so much. 

I watch a lot of Britain documentaries on Kings and Queens...

So I love some of those accents. And the way they still speak. It has a sense of style and elegance to it still to this day. 
A politeness that Americans have lost...

Anyway, I adore Nina too. George's girlfriend. She is perfect for that role. I can't image anyone else doing that part. 

It cracks me up when George screams like a girl.
Oh my gosh!!! That high pitched screech is so funny. 
I'm on season 3 already. I think it just barely started watching it last week. Or the week before. *lol* 

The exact same thing happened to me with The Walking Dead. My sister and her family were deeeeeep into that. She told me for years I need to watch. I was always naaah I'm not into zombies. I love vampires and Frankenstein. *lol* ugh!!!

The horror! I can't believe I said that for so many years!
So I power watched 10 seasons in about a month and a half to be ready for when season 11 started whew! My sister was so impressed and amazed *lol* Yup. When I'm into something. I am ALL in! 

I have had fun the last 5 years watching what i am interested in on t.v. I have watched all those vampire shows and things that were popular when I was working morning night and day as a CNA for 13 years. If I wasn't working. I was catching up on sleep. (my little comas lol) 
Plus when Twilight was popular. Thats THE ONLY vampire movies I wanted to see. I saw all those series that followed as just trying to capitalize in on Twilight's success. 
Aaaand of course now I love Klause from The Originals. So funny the things I think I will not like... 

What shows do you recommend??

SpringUnicornKit sig

Tag: by me
©LadyMishka | VMA
Scrap Kit: TTD 'Spring Unicorn'

March 17, 2024
Blog Prompt for Cute n' Charming Forum

aaahhh. sweet Easter and Spring time.
What does all that make me think of?

Family! Running around at both of my grandparents yards, in the fresh born grass. That soft grass that arrives just after winter.

Blooming lilacs, and dandylions. Carefree joy.

It's funny how often we just don't forget those long distant memories. But what did I have for supper yesterday? Hmm.. it's a mystery LOL

I just talked to my sister and my parents yesterday. Going over old memories. And this glossy shiny Easter Bunny that was a centerpiece decoration when we were kids. My mom couldn't place it. -- Actually I realized afterwards she did. She just refers to it as something different lol
My sister wasn't sure what I was referring to. 
So she was determined to figure it out. 

Wahlah! We found that pretty glossy Easter Bunny.

Now what DID I have for dinner last night. 
stop by Cute n' Charming Blog Prompts to participate with us :D  


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Tags: by me, Scrap Kit: TTD

February 29, 2024

So excited about the progress on the forum. I have so much I want to do. Already climbing our way up to our 1st award for 100 votes. woohooo!!!

Not quite there yet, so click to vote for Cute n' Charming.
I have a lot of plans for CU and scrap kits that will be exclusive to Cute n' Charming Forum. 
Some will be completely free. While others will be bought with forum currency (hearts).

My AI generating has been an evolution since last winter. I'm learning more, and able to get much better renderings that when I first started. Actually have been thinking of removing my first generated items *lol*
Maybe I'll just put them up as freebies or something...
Kinda embarrassing. What can ya do... Learn and practice :D


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