
October 26, 2022

I guess I just don't get humans anymore.
I don't understand why people find it so enjoyable to treat other people like trash. Why do some people find it so enjoyable to try to get ya fired when all your doing is your job, just because they didn't get the outcome that they wanted.

It's like Mercury Retrograde is working over time. But its over with LOL
Printers and computers are not cooperating. People complaining to the Owner because things don't happen exactly when they want it to, or how they want it to. 

Tenant cussing at me being rude yesterday because she doesn't understand why on earth would you have to pick up your dog poo and take them off property on a leash to poo. Ummm really?...

At least I have my scrapkits I can work on when I get home that make me feel happy...
Next week will be better :D 
I qualified to keep my apartment for my annual recertification. I can afford the increased rent when it goes to 790.00 in January. And I have a job and food and my Freya and Willow have food and my bills are paid. So its all good xoxo 

October 11, 2022

Yes! Life can be so funny. What a journey!

I am so happy. I didn't know I could ever be happy like this!

I have really really gotten hooked on digital graphics in a way I did'nt ever think I could. I have been so in love with being able to create my own graphics through other artists scripts. SO much fun watching it transform right in front of my eyes. And being able to purchase beautiful graphics and licenses to work with those as well and be able to make my own money! 


I wanted to grow up to be an artist so badly when I was a kid. And this is close enough for me :D

I could not have ever dreamed that I would be making digital scrap kits, commercial use packs, and be accepted as a seller on a place I've gone to for years and always admired - Pics For Design. It truly does feel like it's "my time". 

I've even revived my social media accounts to reflect my new digital journey. 
Now if I can learn to juggle and manage everything in an organized fashion. Ummm yeah, 'organize' really isn't my forte' lol 

And a good friend starting CT'ing for me!! The excitement just doesn't stop. I'm telling ya!
My friend Mags--

using my BCAkit22


I swear my heart is going to just overflow!
Thank you to my ((((Mags)))) 


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