
September 25, 2023

Luscious Ladee - Wicked Nightmare
CT for All That Glitterz

love this kit SO much! So many awesome elements to create with!!!
Wicked Nightmare is an AI kit. by Luscious Ladee.
You can purchase it HERE.
There are many other products that match up with this kit. Be sure to check those out too. 
This kit comes with a fabulous AI tube,  
170 elements, 40 papers.
Among those elements are many sparkles and frames as well.

NimrodelGA sig
Nimordel Tag GA
Tags: by me, Scrap Kit: TTD

September 23, 2023
Suicide Prevention by DBK (Designs by Ketura)
With all of us working on autumn and halloween things; I thought I would take the opportunity to work with something tough, important and hurtful. 

If you have been touched by suicide you know it can transform you and shape the rest of your life. Especially if your really young when you experience this. As a parent and sister I can not imagine how devastating this would be.

If you need help. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help. Or if you know someone who needs help.-- 988

You can also help spread the awareness of suicide pain and suicide prevention with creating graphics.

Suicide Prevention by Designs By Ketura is a PTU / Personal Use  Scrap kit to help you do just that. 
Lots of beauty in this kit. 
     99 Elements, 7 frames, 15 papers,  one tube
©Julia Fox (non AI assistance) You may purchase HERE.

NimrodelGA sig
Nimordel Tag GA
Tags: by me, Scrap Kit: TTD

September 22, 2023

aaaahhh yassss!!! Allll the autumn candies please!!! 

I just recently joined the Creative Team of DeniseC Art,

This is my 1st CT design. Hope she will like it. Very fun colors to create with! I even took a lil' chance on some animation today too. 

This wonderful kit comes with 60 elements, 6 papers,
AI generated. 

The gorgeous animation was made possible by Simone over at Scrappy Bit of Fun. I love those animations!!

You can check out this scrap kit and the other fantastic designs available at DeniseC Art HERE

NimrodelGA sig
Nimordel Tag GA
Tags: by me, Scrap Kit: TTD

September 14, 2023

We have finally come to my favorite time of the year. The time of change, reflection, stepping forward.

A time of reflection of what no longer serves me and letting that go. Because it only does me harm. 

A change in the season, the colors outside. Welcoming the olive green, orange, maroon, and brown. 

I always love to see the colors changing in the trees. It's so so pretty when I drive by a whole field of trees and can see all sorts of different colors. All the different shades of oranges, yellows, greens, maroon,....


I am busy getting my autumn AI packs ready too. I am having a lot of funnnnn with that!!!! I'm so excited to have those ready!

Here's a lil freebie for you. *smiles* 


NimrodelGA sig
Nimordel Tag GA
Tags: by me, Scrap Kit: TTD

September 10, 2023

Never stop fulfilling your goals and moving forward. This morning I was looking for something on my computer and came across all these things I've accomplished over the past few years. I don't really think of myself as accomplishing anything great. But then when I think to the past of all the things I wanted to learn to do online. wow!

Maybe you remember a lil' cute email client called Incredimail. *giggles* I had wanted to learn to make those expanding tables and pretty layouts so so badly. But there was always stress and drama in my life and I just couldn't seem to concentrate long enough in some peace and quiet of my own to be able to read and learn it.

Then a couple of years ago I did sit down and learn it. And I completely love what I created. My Incredimail doesn't work anymore now. Even when someone was kind enough to install it on my computer. *lol* It didn't last long. I'm proud that I did conquer creating the letter/stationary though.

Then there is all that I accomplished with Sig Machine.
If you don't know what it is - you can check mine out HERE

Just click 'Faerie Charm' at the top of the map.

There was A LOT to learn and over come with that. But I had the time of my life making new friends and contributing to the pixel community. And finally conquering a big wish. Wooohoo!!! Check marked that one off
Original Sig Machine script is created and maintained by
Just Sev -

Lots of helpful tutorials there...


I sure did have a lot of fun being back in the pixel community again. 
So much fun creating!!! I've always been addicted to glitter, borders, frames,...

I still love this one *lol* It's simple, cute and sweet.

You can add your name to it if you like... Art of ©Alicia Mujica

I had so much fun at The Pixel Palace; making monthly checking in graphics each month. Participating in challenges and such. 
But then it just got to be the same thing every month; and felt really lonely and quiet in the pixel community. The same small handful of people participating in the challenges and games every month. Felt like so many were gone that I had known before...
Even admins were not really there anymore. And my good friend who is not a creator; was left constantly holding the bag. Taking on more and more and more. A lot of peoples families have become ill and they are not able to be there or were bored and not committing... And I as well become bored. Not enough going on for me. Wasn't learning anything new anymore.

THEN! Came something new and beautiful for me. 


NOW I was in love again. And fell in love with digital scraps again, that I had loved years and years ago in the early/mid 2000's. But now they have really advanced a lot. And I was in! I wanted to learn all about these scripts for creating graphics, and all these beautiful hand painted tubes, and these gorgeous graphics and art!!

And this brings us up to last fall when I started designing digital scrap kits, CU packs...
And now this year I started trying my hand at CT'ing (Creative Team). I now sell in
7 digital stores + my own store, and CT in 3 stores (All That Glitterz, Render Art World, Twisted Sisters Creatives) and CT for 1 designer (Moon Vixen Designs).

I still love going to forums and participating in challenges.
My favorite forums I get over to when I'm able are Escape from Reality, and Creative Misfits. I luvvvv fall, steampunk, gothic challenges the most.


I also got to discover the wonderful world of AI this year too. Which has also been so much fun!!!

Midjourney ::  Fotor :: Deep :: Freepik :: Leonardo AI :: 

Well I am itching to see what fall or gothic challenges are available. 
So, I'm off and running :D

NimrodelGA sig
Nimordel Tag GA
Tags: by me, Scrap Kit: TTD


September 09, 2023

Autumn Blessing by Moon Vixen Designs.

All AI content is in a separate folder... I am kind of shocked how quickly this came together for me. I actually did a timeline cover, AV, and a large tag all in one day *lol* Sometimes I work on designs several days and have to come back to it.. LOL

Autumn Blessing comes with 60 elements, 127 AI elements, 14 AI frames and 28 AI Papers!! So, HUGE scrap kit! :D
Lots of chibi and AI renderings of ladies that can be used as tubes or elements.

If you purchase from MVD please think about leaving a review. Her kits really are great.  

Purchase HERE

NimrodelGA sig
Nimordel Tag GA
Tags: by me, Scrap Kit: TTD



*Freebie* #ATG #autumn #christmas #Contest #CTwork #DrawYourDreams #faeriecharmdesigns #forumchallenges #fun #MVD #PGD #RenderArtWorld #SecretGardenDesigns #TSC #winter #YKS ©Alex Prihodko ©Amber ©BellaCaribena ©Goldwasser ©Grianna ©IsmaelRac #SavageDezines ©Sheokate ©Steampunk ©VeryMany Tubes ©VeryManyArtists ©VMartists 3tzsdesigns AdriennesDesigns Adrun AdRunner Advent Calendar AI AMD Aprilthescrapaholic ATG ATS Autumn AWS Background Tile BCA beautiful BJD blogging blogprompts blogtrain BMS CAK Chit-Chat Christmas Christmas in July CnC CnC Blog Prompts Coffee Commission Creative Misfits CT CTshowcase CU Cute-n-CharmingForum Daily Stuff dark DeedlesnDoodles DeniseC Art DesignsbyKetura DesignzByAnorie diet Digicats DreamingWithBella Easter EFR EleganceFly FaerieCharmDesigns Fall family fonts Forum forum exclusives forumlife freebies friends fun gothic gothique Halloween health heart surgery Hello Hold My Heart humans! In Store Intro journaling life LindseyStirling LusciousLadee LynxTheMinx Magical Moments MagicalMoments March mental health Mermaid Millies PSP Madness Mizteeques MMF mom MoonVixenDesigns MVD my journey nature new theme news October Ostara Photoshop Pixels Prozac PU rant RAOK Re-Post review S&CO sadness sickness Savage Dezines Scrapkits SD SecretGardenDesigns Shares sharing siggie showcase Siggies Sigtags Siren snags SneakPeek Spring steampunk store-reviews sugar Suicide summer SYHO TagShowcase ThePaperShelter Tiny Turtle Designs TKdezigns tut-results Tutorials Tutorials by Pammers updates valentine bash violin WickedDiablaDesigns winter witch work Yule

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