
July 25, 2023
Feeling so sad today. Do you ever meet someone that just kind of sticks with you and ya still think of them from time to time and wonder how things are with them. But your not actually 'friends'. 
Kind of where I'm at today. A former tenant of mine is missing. Her car was found abandoned way on the outskirts of town, on Saturday out by a small airport. (we live in a town of just 5,000). Her sister is posting on facebook about her missing. So, I shared it, then pinned it and asked everyone to please share it too. 

it was still bothering me a great deal so I talked to another person that knows her who I'm friends with. After that conversation I decided to call the police and make sure someone has reported her missing and that there is actually an active search going on for her.
As I drove out towards where I know her car was I could see a different kind of airplane flying over head. I think it might have been search and rescue.

I know what kind of boyfriend she had. So I sure hope she will be home soon.

I tell myself things like -- well anything at all could have happened.
She could have been hiking and twisted her ankle or fell or anything. Plenty of wild life around these parts too. At one point she was suicidal. But then my mind goes back to - well it could just be something as silly as taking off with someone and partying at their house. Not knowing the police would see her car abandoned...

Breanna where are you :'( 
May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair and smiling

May be an image of 1 person, blonde hair, smiling and text that says '8:12 7:01 Tina Patick Richins Breanna Mitchell Missing out road 13 by SLAB. car was found miles past slab. Search and and police are looking They have phone unable find has been out footf about hours. you drive out that way please look her you are traveling from Worland Wyoming Thermopolis Vyoming. you have any information findher please contact the Washakie County Sheriff' Office 307-347- 4253. Please share this with everyone. Anne Muterspaugh Bleicher URAGO Like Comment Message'

CT Design: by me, Scrap Kit: Sweet Summer DBK

July 24, 2023

yay me!! I got some play time in at Creative Misfits! I have finished a couple of challenges over there. This is what I came up with.


Make a 'forum style' set, choose an artist that I don't usually work with. Choose a holiday. Choose a color palette.And name something I almost always do on all my siggies. So -- I chose christmas. The kit is by Deedles n' Doodles. (Midnight Sleigh Ride) - it might have even been a freebie. Not sure.. 
This is my color palette I created for my look. 
 Something that I almost always put in my signature tags is the 'sticker effect' *lol* -- having white around the name...

On Sunday I create this beauty

©Goldwasser Art (Nimrodel tube) :: Kit by TinyTurtleDesigns.

It's a lot of fun to create. I don't really care for the christmas tag I made. But I love the avatar *lol* I redid the forum style one a couple of times. It just wasn't happening for me... But it was fun. 
I usually make for about 4  others + the person posting the challenge.  

CT Design: by me, Scrap Kit: Sweet Summer DBK

July 21, 2023

Several updates. And more coming. I'll be getting all of these and more into all of my other stores soon. Right now, I just have most of them available at my personal store - FaerieCharm Designs.

You can catch up with me at MeWe. Quite a few problems at facebook with designers being banned, FB jailed...
My MeWe links:  - my main personal profile

Aaaaand a shameless plug for my good friend Mags. She is opening up some stores! She is doing wordart, masks, papers and all sorts of greatness to come from her. 
She is just beginning to get her stores loaded up. So maybe in a few days...
A Mags Momentum at ATG

A Mags Momentum Blog
 TKDezigns did such a gorgeous job on her blog. I love it!! As all of her designs are so pretty!

CT Design: by me, Scrap Kit: Sweet Summer DBK


July 15, 2023

I really could have just sat at my computer and created more and more and more with this floral watermelon scrap kit. 
I really fell in love with it. 'Sweet Summer' by Designs by Ketura. My CT work is for Render Art World.
DBK puts such cool elements in her scrap kits. There are all the usual components, but there are also tag backs and little designs to help you create with. And the papers (backgrounds) are really nice and I like that they are not all prints. I prefer textures and patterns. Can't go wrong with bokeh patterns either! *lol*

If you fall in love with this kit too -- you may purchase it for yourself at my link above. 
This is PTU/PU  (pay to use/personal use)
Not for sharing or passing around...

Tube ©Lady Mishka
Jennifer with a Kitty - Kit Match: Tiny Turtle Designs
July 14, 2023
So much going on. I just have not had the energy to put my CT work up on my blog lately... I need to get over to my store blog and update that too. For my new products...

So much going on in the world too. Poor Vermont. Oh my goodness. Such horrible flooding. Horrible high temps all over the south west of the US. Planet record breaking temps, highest in 100 years in some areas. 

Meanwhile, here in Wyoming for some reason summer is just getting started. And very very late in the year. It's still yucky and uncomfortable. But not in the triple digits. And it cools off to the 50's at night.
Hard to believe its time for registering kids for school for the new year. I feel like summer just barely started *lol*
Although I have not much love for summer I am looking forward to fall very very much. And am feeling blessed with a mild summer. Which ummm probably I should be scared for the winter lol 


Tube ©Lady Mishka
Jennifer with a Kitty - Kit Match: Tiny Turtle Designs
July 11, 2023

hey there! So, I ask you --- why are some people so angry with EVERYONE; ALL of the time. 
If someone hates other humans that much --- why??

That's all *giggles* Just wanted to know.

I have a tenant that hates me so much. But she seems to hate everyone equally. *lol* So, if she treats everyone with such aggression and distain. Guess that makes it okay. Or at least in the sphere of normal -- for her...
It is just oddly funny to me why people treat all around them with such anger for no reason. 
She's not only rude and abrupt to me. But to my maintenance man, to the other contractors that have to go into her unit... Thank goodness she does do it when official HUD inspectors are around, and that there are other witnesses such as contractors. 


Tube ©Lady Mishka
Jennifer with a Kitty - Kit Match: Tiny Turtle Designs

July 06, 2023
New CT Work for All That Glitterz

I can honestly say I truly enjoy creating with Savage Dezines kits. I love how Cherie includes so much, and a difference of element types. My results usually just fall together. *lol* 
I really enjoyed making these tonight. Very relaxing. 
To purchase this kit:  click here.

Tube ©Lady Mishka
Jennifer with a Kitty - Kit Match: Tiny Turtle Designs

July 02, 2023

Hi! Even though July has just barely started. We are only beginning our summer here in Wyoming.
I am thinking towards August and September and counting the days until fall. *lol*
Yes I'm the fall girl to the core! I am that annoying person that will post in august about the pumpkin spice lattes.

So, I am getting fall things ready in my scrap kits.

At Secret Garden Designs store we have a CAK. (Create-a-Kit) It is a small pack of CU items that can be used as starter kits for creating PU scrap kits.
I have just posted the theme for the kits for August. Giving the designers all of July to come up with kits to be uploaded for August for our customers.
I've gone with a super easy one.
School Time!

Create a mini kit with 10 items o
r less.

All of the colors scheme can be used. Or select whichever ones you like. I also included one simple paper with my kit. Which is not counted as one of the elements.

Customers are allowed to use all of the elements in the kit to produce a personal use scrap kit of their own making. These are CU items. So usually when you purchase a CU pack you can only use 2 items or whatever the designer says in their TOU. But CAKs are special. It's basically a starter kit for you to get going. *smiles*
Mine will be available in the CAK category and $1.00 category August 1st at
Secret Garden Designs

AI pack by Tiny Turtle Designs


*Freebie* #ATG #autumn #christmas #Contest #CTwork #DrawYourDreams #faeriecharmdesigns #forumchallenges #fun #MVD #PGD #RenderArtWorld #SecretGardenDesigns #TSC #winter #YKS ©Alex Prihodko ©Amber ©BellaCaribena ©Goldwasser ©Grianna ©IsmaelRac #SavageDezines ©Sheokate ©Steampunk ©VeryMany Tubes ©VeryManyArtists ©VMartists 3tzsdesigns AdriennesDesigns Adrun AdRunner Advent Calendar AI AMD Aprilthescrapaholic ATG ATS Autumn AWS Background Tile BCA beautiful BJD blogging blogprompts blogtrain BMS CAK Chit-Chat Christmas Christmas in July CnC CnC Blog Prompts Coffee Commission Creative Misfits CT CTshowcase CU Cute-n-CharmingForum Daily Stuff dark DeedlesnDoodles DeniseC Art DesignsbyKetura DesignzByAnorie diet Digicats DreamingWithBella Easter EFR EleganceFly FaerieCharmDesigns Fall family fonts Forum forum exclusives forumlife freebies friends fun gothic gothique Halloween health heart surgery Hello Hold My Heart humans! In Store Intro journaling life LindseyStirling LusciousLadee LynxTheMinx Magical Moments MagicalMoments March mental health Mermaid Millies PSP Madness Mizteeques MMF mom MoonVixenDesigns MVD my journey nature new theme news October Ostara Photoshop Pixels Prozac PU rant RAOK Re-Post review S&CO sadness sickness Savage Dezines Scrapkits SD SecretGardenDesigns Shares sharing siggie showcase Siggies Sigtags Siren snags SneakPeek Spring steampunk store-reviews sugar Suicide summer SYHO TagShowcase ThePaperShelter Tiny Turtle Designs TKdezigns tut-results Tutorials Tutorials by Pammers updates valentine bash violin WickedDiablaDesigns winter witch work Yule

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